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09:30 - 12:00

Symposium Swiss research in perioperative medicine

Perioperative cardiac complications after non-cardiac surgery – Research made in Switzerland


Chairs: B. Bollen Pinto, Genève; C. Beilstein, Bern

09h30 Introduction
B. Bollen Pinto, Genève; C. Beilstein, Bern

09h35 Implementation of pathways for patients with perioperative myocardial injury
M.R. Pargger, Basel

10h00 CardiacMRI – insights for oxygen dosing for the anaesthetist
D. Günsch, Bern

10h25 Ivabradine – a new perioperative intervention for cardio-protection?
B. Bollen Pinto, Genève

10h50 Perioperative albumin: more than plasma volume expansion?
P. Wüthrich, Bern

11h15 Preoperative self-reported functional capacity before non-cardiac surgery. Is still worth it to ask?
G. Lurati Buse, Düsseldorf (D)

11h40 Last questions and wrap up!


Refresher course I

New recommendations in pediatric anaesthesia

M. Hölzle, Luzern






Refresher course V

Introducing PBM – what difficulties are to be expected

A. Kuonen, Sion





Refresher course IX

New recommendations in pediatric anaesthesia

M. Hölzle, Luzern





Refresher course II

Pragmatic use of cardiac biomarkers (ESAIC Guidelines) G. Lurati Buse, Düsseldorf (D)





Refresher course VI

Update labour pain analgesia

G. Savoldelli, Genève






Refresher course X

Update labour pain analgesia

G. Savoldelli, Genève






Refresher course III

Pathophysiology of pain

M. Suter, Lausanne


Refresher course VII

Pathophysiology of pain

M. Suter, Lausanne


Refresher course XI

10 points anesthetists get wrong

M. Siegemund, Basel


Refresher course IV

ESAIC guidelines neuromuscular monitoring

C. Czarnetzki, Winterthur


Refresher course VIII

ESAIC guidelines neuromuscular monitoring

C. Czarnetzki, Winterthur


Refresher course XII

HFpEF/ HFrEF perioperative management

D. Günsch, Bern


Postertours I & II



Oral presentations of best abstracts I



Oral presentations of best abstracts II


How to make a good exam?

A workshop for examiners at the oral specialist’s exam by the exam committee of the SSAPM
J. Berger-Estilita, Bern; M. Schürch, Glarus; M. Dolci, Lausanne

14:30 - 18h00

Swiss Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anaesthesia (SACTA)

14h30 Welcome
President SACTA board

Interactive case presentations
Chairs: A. Rist, Zürich; E. Mauermann, Zürich


Late cerebrospinal fluid drainage for delayed spinal cord ischemia after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) – a case report.
B. Bühlmann, Aarau; A. Bückle, Zürich


Hemodynamic support for right ventricular failure.
T. Cassina, Lugano


New Insights into insulin dynamics during cardiopulmonary
bypass and concepts of perioperative glycemic control.
D. Günsch, Bern


15h30 Break

15h45 Techniques in cardiovascular surgery
Hypothermia vs normothermia during circulatory arrest in aortic surgery
Chairs: G. Erdoes, Bern; T. Cassina, Lugano


Normothermic aortic arch surgery – Pro
P. Risteski, Zürich


Normothermic aortic arch surgery – Con
F. Schönhoff, Bern


Final Discussion

17h00 Annual general assembly SACTA

14:30 - 18h00

Association of Swiss Out-Patient Anaesthesiologists (ASOPA)

Chairs: A. Perret Morisoli, Bulle; M. Preuss, Oftringen

14h30 Welcome
M. Lang, Baden


14h35 Sugar, Sugar – diabetes and office based anaesthesia – new and old drugs with old and new problems
T. Doll, Hildesheim (D)


15h10 Patients with malignant hyperthermia – suitable for an ambulatory setting?
W. Klingler, Sigmaringen (D)


15h45 Break

16h00 Point of Care Ultraschall (POCUS) in der ambulanten Anästhesie – Anwendungsmöglichkeiten:

Ausblick auf den Workshop 2025
D. Suter, Winterthur


16h15 Taktische Medizin – Es wird mich schon nicht erwischen
C. Plonski, Flensburg (D)


16h45 Discussion and closing remarks

17h00 General Assembly ASOPA

14:30 - 18h00

Swiss Society for Paediatric Anaesthesia (SSPA)

Chairs: M. Kahlert-Fasciati, St. Gallen; T. Riva, Bern

14h30 Welcome & introduction

Session I: Common practice management
14h35 Child with open fracture and asthmatic crisis
A. Genini, Bellinzona


15h00 Child with post-tonsillectomy bleeding
M. Hölzle, Luzern


15h25 Child with mediastinal mass
F. Aellen, Bern


15h50 Child with normoglycemic ketoacidosis
T. Beckmann, Genève


16h25 Break

Session II:
16h40 Emergent neuroimaging in a toddler
M. Wehren, Basel


16h55 Endoscopic airway procedure
M. Zürcher, Lausanne


17h10 Suspicion of foreign body aspiration
B. Thiessen, Sion


17h25 Closing remarks

17h30 General assembly SSPA

14:30 - 18h00

Swiss Association of Obstetric Anaesthesia (SAOA)

14h30 Welcome
G. Savoldelli, Genève

Current issues in obstetric anesthesia
Chair: G. Savoldelli, Genève

14h35 Placenta accreta spectrum : obstetric management
B. Martinez de Tejada, Genève

15h00 Placenta accreta spectrum: anesthesia management
C. Weiniger, Tel Aviv (IL)

15h25 Discussion

15h35 Feeedback on the WFSA OB anaesthesia fellowship suported by SAOA
A. Kouame Kouadio, Abidjan (CI)

15h50 Break

Human factors in the labor ward
Chair: A. Melber, Rothrist

16h10 Optimizing crisis management – The role of human factors
G. Haller, Genève

16h30 Psychological safety in the labour ward
M. Kolbe, Zürich

16h50 Discussion

17h00 Hot Topics in obstetric anaesthesia – Last 12 months‘ top publications
C. Weiniger, Tel Aviv (IL)

17h25 Closing remarks
G. Savoldelli, Genève

17h30 General Assembly SAOA

14:30 - 18h00

Swiss Association of Regional Anaesthesia and Analgesia (SARA)

14h30 Greetings from the President & introduction
A. Saporito, Bellinzona

Regional anesthesia & Surgical outcomes

14h40 The role of the sympathetic nervous system in acute postoperative pain
J. Mc Donnell

15h10 Update on awake major breast surgery under regional anesthesia
R. Zürcher, Basel

15h30 Pro/con debate: Are peripheral nerve catheter still a valid option?
Chair: M. Sluga, Fribourg

Are peripheral nerve catheter still a valid option? – Pro
R. Zürcher, Basel

Are peripheral nerve catheter still a valid option? – Con
E. Albrecht, Lausanne

16h15 PENG, IPACK and RAPTIR: What do those acronyms mean and why you should absolutely know those blocks
A. Bürgi, Zürich

16h45 Regional anesthesia: the trainees’ perspective
A. Nguyen, Lausanne

17h15 Q&A session
M. Sluga, Fribourg

17h30 General Assembly SARA


14:30 - 16h00

Pain Symposium

Chair: B. Rehberg-Klug, Genève

14h30 What would be a good pain outcome after surgery?
U. Stamer, Bern

15h00 Preoperative evaluation of the risk of pain chronification for spine surgery
M. Binda, Lugano

15h30 Utility of preoperative patient education (prehabilitation) to prevent chronic post-surgical pain
B. Rehberg-Klug, Genève


Get together & Award ceremony



08:30 - 10:00

Main Topic I – Preoperative interventions

Chairs: M. Schläpfer, Chur; A. Vogt, Bern

08h30 Patient blood management
A. Kaserer, Zürich

09h00 Digitalization to personalize preop evaluation
I. Matot, Tel Aviv (IL)

09h30 What do patients want to know about anesthesia?
W. Meissner, Jena (D)

10:30 - 12:00

General assembly SSAPM


12:15 - 13:15

Industrysymposium – AstraZeneca


12:15 - 13:15

Industrysymposium – Edwards Lifesciences


13:30 - 15:00

Main topic II - Intraoperative interventions

Chairs: Lederer, St. Gallen; W. Ruppen, Basel

13h30 What can we do to reduce the comprehensive complication index?
A. Domenghino, Zürich

14h00 How can we reduce pain after surgery?
P. Lavand‘homme, Bruxelles (B)

14h30 Glucose management and its impact
D. Günsch, Bern

15:45 - 17:15

Main topic III - Postoperative interventions

Chairs: O. Bandschapp, Basel; S. Grape, Sion

15h45 Most important postoperative ERAS interventions
M. Hübner, Lausanne

16h15 Measures against perioperative neurocognitive disorders
N. Göttel, Boston (USA)

16h45 Impact of anesthetic techniques on postoperative outcomes
P. Wüthrich, Bern

09:00 - 17:00


09h00 PANDA (Modell zur effektiven postoperativen Verlegung auf die nächste Behandlungsstation) | PANDA (Modèle de transfert postopératoire efficace vers l‘unité de soins suivante)
B. Albiez, Zürich

10h00 Pause

10h30 Hauptversammlung | Assemblée Générale

12h00 Mittagspause | Pause de midi

13h30 Präklinisch schwieriger Atemweg | Voies respiratoires critiques en situation préclinique
H. C. Neukirchen, Baden; G. Saenz, Baden

14h35 Supportive Beatmung auf der Anästhesie | Ventilation de soutien en anesthésie
M. Haudenschild, Bern; S. Schweingruber, Bern

15h35 Pause

16h00 Vom professionellen Silo zur interprofessionellen
Kooperation – so gelingt Kulturveränderung
M. Lüdi, St.Gallen & Kommission SIGA-FSIA Management | Commission SIGA-FSIA Management

17h00 Ende SIGA-FSIA Friday


08:30 - 10:00

Workshop by Edwards Lifesciences

Acumen AFM: Unlocking individualized fluid management with machine learning decision support
P. van Beest

08:30 - 14:00

​EEG for anaesthesiologists

T. Dill, Bern; J Berger Estilita, Bern; D. Hight, Bern; H. Kaiser, Aarau; F. Lersch, Bern; J. Gaudet, Lausanne

Anaesthesia practitioners are expected to integrate widely available EEG-neuromonitoring devices in their anaesthestic practice in oder to individualise anaesthesia for an increasingly ageing and vulnerable patient population. Yet training opportunities of this complex technique are limited and therefore self-reported confidence in integrating these devices for critical decision-making is low.
Our workshop tailored to the individuals’s practical use in clinical practice aims to adress this education gap.

08:30 - 14:00

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day

The Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees’ Day (SATDay) is the first event at the Swiss Anaesthesia Congress specifically dedicated to and designed for trainees. With the support of the SSAPM, the SAT Committee offers a full program divided into a lecture track by nationally recognized experts from all regions with three sessions («Finding Balance», «Take Deep Breaths», «Tips and Tricks»), three slots of simulation training and three slots of clinical case discussion to better prepare participants for the oral exam. Each participant can switch between sessions according to their personal interest. Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to practice on a TEE simulator and an airway simulator in the foyer. In order to participate in the simulation training and clinical case discussions, participants must sign up for an available time slot on site.

09h30 – 17h00 Lectures

09h30 Welcome
E. Jaunin, Lausanne; M. Schläpfer, Chur


Finding balance
Chair: I. Crisan, Lausanne


09h40 Haemodynamics and monitoring
G. Casso, Lugano


10h10 POC coagulation tests
A. Kaserer, Zürich


10h40 Obstetric anaesthesia
G. Savoldelli, Genève


11h10 Quizz & Discussion

11h30 Lunch break


Take a deep breath
Chair: R. Südy, Genève


13h00 Swiss difficult airway algorithm
P. Schoettker, Lausanne


13h30 Inside the ventilator
G. Albu, Genève


14h00 Anaesthesia emergencies
J. Berger-Estilita, Bern


14h30 Quizz & Discussion

14h45 Coffee break

Tips and tricks
Chair: E. Christophel, Lausanne


15h15 How to prepare for the oral exam
A. Marty, Zürich


15h45 Preoperative assessment
T. Dill, Bern


16h15 Acute pain rescue plans
S. Jean Scherb, Lausanne


16h45 Quizz & Discussion

16h55 Closing
E. Jaunin, Lausanne

09:45 - 11:30

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Simulation training

First round

Interested parties must register at the registration desk on a list for the desired round

Workshop Tutors: A. Govaerts, Genève; J-D. Rouvé, Lausanne; M. Thomasius, Zürich; F. Ollier, Lausanne

09:45 - 11:30

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Clinical cases

First round

Interested parties must register at the registration desk on a list for the desired round

Workshop Tutors: L. Magnusson, Belmont; A. Rey, Lausanne; T. Maibach, Lausanne

13:00 - 14:45

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Simulation training

Second round

Interested parties must register at the registration desk on a list for the desired round

Workshop Tutors: A. Govaerts, Genève; J-D. Rouvé, Lausanne; M. Thomasius, Zürich; F. Ollier, Lausanne


13:00 - 14:45

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Clinical cases

Second round

Interested parties must register at the registration desk on a list for the desired round

Workshop Tutors: L. Magnusson, Belmont; A. Rey, Lausanne; T. Maibach, Lausanne

15:00 - 16:45

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Simulation training

Third round

Interested parties must register at the registration desk on a list for the desired round

Workshop Tutors: A. Govaerts, Genève; J-D. Rouvé, Lausanne; M. Thomasius, Zürich; F. Ollier, Lausanne

15:00 - 16:45

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Clinical cases

Third round

Interested parties must register at the registration desk on a list for the desired round

Workshop Tutors: L. Magnusson, Belmont; A. Rey, Lausanne; T. Maibach, Lausanne

09:45 - 16:45

Swiss Anaesthesia Trainees Day - Free Practice

TEE Simulator
E. Mauermann, Zürich

Advanced airways
T. Saucy, Lausanne

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